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Side Hustle


now or never

TOD & TOM - a clothing line with zero waste and featuring innovative sustainable materials.


pay it forward

I started SWEAT CAUSE after I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. As a part-time fitness instructor, the silver-dollar-sized tumor changed my life, in a blink of an eye. Throughout my journey, I lost my ability to work out for quite some time, still regaining my strength today, which was my outlet and passion.

While recovering from brain surgery, I began sharing her journey publicly as I faced different obstacles. In doing so, she built a community of warriors fighting their own battles. That’s when quickly realized the power of a positive community and a newfound passion.


share knowledge | podcast

The creative world can be intimidating and sometimes you straight up don’t even know where to start. That is why Gesso Girls was created a podcast to talk all art, the ups and downs and how to make it in the world of art.


Art makes the world go round